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Solar Union Ascension Temple
"It is exceedingly difficult to use the linear constructs of language to describe what it is like to be held within the immaculate Solar Union Ascension Architecture so meticulously cultivated. It is a profoundly sacred and unique experience that can only truly be felt and innerstood directly through One's Heart. I can merely express that it is an immeasurable Blessing that feels so foreign from anything else on this planet, and yet, at the same time, so very familiar, as if arriving at a place you've long-forgotten and instantly recognizing it as Home (though Reza and Ryan so adeptly reflect that Home is not a place where one resides, but a frequency that has always resided within oneself).
The comprehensive Phoenix Initiations are so thoroughly and mindfully architected to support the Highest Good of All, and are the true, Organic Krystic Initiations that my Soul has been tirelessly seeking since I entered this system and embarked upon this mission. To experience the incredibly potent and precise Alchemy that Raia Ryan Melchizedek weave together is to witness an awe-inspiring, multidimensional symphonic masterpiece that illuminates aspects of One’s Heart, consciousness and multidimensional anatomy that have been longing to be remembered, felt and embodied for eons. The DNA work that they have guided me through over the past six months has upleved my consciousness and life in miraculous ways; having experienced constant physical pain for well over a decade, brought on by a lengthy struggle with Lyme disease, these activations have assisted me in accessing and healing parts of my bodymind that have long been frozen and constricted, as I have felt the quantum light codes that so masterfully flow from Ryan and Reza penetrating deep into my cells, melting layers of pain, unwinding decades (lifetimes) of trauma, and re-encrypting all to the Organic Krystic templates. And that is just on the physical level! Beyond that, I feel so much more clarity, conviction and confidence on my path of Embodiment, as the unwavering Gnosis that Ryan and Reza hold pierces through all distortions, consciousness traps, ego projections and inorganic aspects with the utmost grace and compassion, empowering each that has the good fortune of working with them to align more effortlessly to their Highest Organic Timeline. While the initiations are challenging and painful at times, the path feels so much less daunting knowing that I am not alone, and have an amazing family of dedicated, devoted Guardian allies, both in the physical realm and beyond, standing by my side.
Not only do these Initiations offer some of the purest and most powerful Organic Ascension teachings and activations ever made available on this planet, but this Container, and the exquisite beings held within it, embrace you with such open Hearts in what feels like the most glorious Homecoming. This experience of family (re)Union is one that I have dreamed of, since long before I ever had words to consciously articulate what my Heart was so achingly yearning for, and it has been such an indescribable joy to (re)connect and unify with our beautiful, beloved family inside such a sacred, safe and loving space. This group is honestly the first I have come across in this lifetime where I have felt seen, innerstood and accepted for all that I AM, where Truth is shared and recognized not merely from intellectual understanding, but from a place of authentic Gnosis and Embodiment. In a world full of so much division, distortion and isolation, this Container serves as a heavenly oasis that offers the deep level of authentic, soulful connection I always knew was possible, but had not been able to find in other spiritual communities, let alone the mainstream culture, despite my many years of seeking, where we are safe to delve into our deepest core wounds, triggers and traumas, and alchemize them as One Family, One Tribe."
~ Jared Iversen, Initiate of the Krystic Path
“Thank you Ryan and Reza for giving me the opportunity to embark on such an amazing journey with you through the “Initiation of the Phoenix". I cannot even begin to express the deep gratitude and appreciation I have for you both. To be honest, this has and continues to be the most challenging soul work I have ever done. On that same breath, it’s pretty amazing to look back on my personal growth and transformation since last spring. Wow! Chills!!! I am just so happy that I trusted my heart and listened to my soul’s calling to join you regardless of having all sorts of doubts and fears of not knowing what to expect from this work. Oh! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you both from the core of my heart for all that you have done and continue to do for me, for this group and for humanity! You are both such special souls! You’ve just somehow have been able to unlock so much within me. Your gentle guidance has helped me transform and grow in ways that I could have never imagined possible. It also has helped to be part of a beautiful and sacred group container (which I now call family) that has given me a safe space to express, release and let go of some of my deepest fears; that has provided me with support, encouragement and feedback that kept me moving forward, and that has unlocked a deep desire within me to dibble and dabble into the “fantastical world” of magic and alchemy. It is actually no surprise that I felt myself drawn to you as you possess the same integrity, love, passion and dedication to this sacred work as Richard Melchizedek and Jessica Rosalie do. I strongly feel that having worked so closely with them for the past year, has allowed me and prepared me to naturally transition into this type of soul work. As I write this, my heart is overflowing of joy and happiness to have finally met my soul tribe. Know that your guidance and light continue to make my journey easier as I know I am not alone! For all those who are hesitant or sitting on the fence about doing some deep soul work, know that Ryan and Reza’s work is beyond anything you could imagine. I have learned from working with them that it does not matter where you are on the spiritual path. All that matters is that you have a burning desire to do the inner work. And yes...it is hard and messy!!!! By joining a soul tribe like theirs, it makes it more powerful and rewarding knowing that there is a beautiful and sacred container of spiritually mature souls (holding space with non-judgement) who are ready to support you on whatever may arise during the process/your journey. A big heartfelt THANK YOU to you both Ryan and Reza for all that you are and all that you do. I love you so much!”
~ Chantal St-Denis, Initiate of the Krystic Path
“One of the Biggest Blessings & Gifts this year was connecting with Ryan Melchizedek and Reza Raia. They are incredible, Galactic Leaders & you can feel their immense Unconditional Love, Integrity & Sincere Devotion in assisting Humanity in Restoring & Embodying their True Organic Divine Blueprint. I’ve been part of their Initiation of the Phoenix and the amount of Clarity and level of Discernment I have received is beyond anything I could have imagined. They have assisted in Recalibrating my Energetic System & Aligning me back to the True Eternal Living Light & Unified Law of One by Lifting the Veil of Illusion & Dismantling & Freeing me from False Ascension Traps, Distorted Imprints, Implants, Reversals, Miasma, Artificial Intelligence, Attachments, Cordings, Inorganic Contracts, Harvesting Programs, Mind Control, Black Magic & Curses, Fallen Timelines, Invasions, Dark Discordant & Parasitic Energies, False Architecture, Inorganic Frequencies/Symbols & Codes…
The veil has been lifted & what I am able to feel & experience from this process is monumental. My system has been Recalibrated & Aligned to the True Solar Organic Templates. For years, I have been deeply devoted to my spiritual path, open to connecting with Soul Family & calling in higher levels of Starseeds that could assist my Soul’s Mission of assisting Humanity through their inner Gnosis. The Universe felt my sincerity & answered my prayers. There was a true deep Heart Resonance when I connected with Ryan & Reza. Their Hieros Gamos Union, Energy & Transmissions felt like Home. Their level of Planetary & Galactic Service is so high & advanced, far beyond anything I had ever experienced before. This process has been such a HUGE Initiation & Alchemical Purification that has been so Transformational & Powerful. I can deeply feel the Alignment to the Organic Krystic Architecture & Krystal Heart Restoration Upgrades in my Etheric Body & True Harmonic Resonance & Divine Restoration. Their Divine Union is a Blessing & their offerings are Miracles that can assist us all in Rising into our True Divine Pure Essence, stepping into a True inner Gnosis and Aligning to the Christos-Sophia Solar Ascension Path. I HIGHLY recommend any of their offerings & services! They are completely next level & can assist in Embodying your Sovereignty & Freedom Codes. My Higher Self is Eternally Grateful for this connection.”
~ Veronica Ruiz, Initiate of the Krystic Path
"I’ve actually only known Ryan, in this lifetime, for just over a year now, with only a handful of in-person interactions. But his presence is with me always and he has made a tremendous impact on my life. I share with you the type of being Ryan Melchizedek is because there is a heart frequency that emanates from him like no one else I have ever met in this life. He is a bigger than life character. He has wisdom far beyond this world that our minds can not comprehend. I could sit here and try to describe to you all the wisdom he has filling up pages, and still I wouldn’t come close. In my experience, what is truly special about Ryan is his gigantic heart. I have witnessed him, on many occasions, drop everything and go into a two plus hour transmission, giving all that he’s got. Not for praise or pay, but because his heart called him to do so. Every time I interact with him, I am left with a huge smile and feeling blessed to know such a soul.
If you happen to be lucky enough to come across Ryan and his work, I can’t encourage you enough to dive in, no matter what stage you think your at on your journey, he will be there for you all the way, all in, I guarantee that. I trust Ryan Melchizedek with my life and to have a being like him in my life, I am better for it. The work Ryan Melchizedek and his beloved, sweet Reza Raia, are here to do on this earth is priceless. To have access to them both right now is seriously a gift for they have just begun, the world is just about ready for them. Not from a manipulative space, but from recognizing the opportunity. You may not have the opportunity again to be able to have such a close relation with them both as you can now."
~ Nicholas Thales, Initiate of the Krystic Path
"Everyday I prayed to God Source to lead me to truth no matter how painful or hard it may be. Everyday I committed my life to only serve that which is in alignment with my highest integrity. Little did I know, my soul was guiding me to have all of those questions and obsessions answered in the fullest most possible way which happens through our own inner gnosis. Shortly after all of this, I was invited to be a part of the year long Initiation of the Phoenix by Ryan and Reza and I was stunned by how every single thing God brought to my attention earlier in the year was everything we would be addressing through this work PLUS SO MUCH MORE.
Coming together with the Phoenix Tribe has been so empowering by the synergy of these amazing beings = We are redefining what it means to be FAMILY, to be one TRIBE, and to Unite through the utmost Unconditional Love, as a team of radical togetherness through open hearted purity no matter what may come up. This Phoenix Initiation began in April 2021 for me and the level of remembrance, activations, inner gnosis, and massive changes to both my light body and physical body was more than I could have expected. For years I couldn’t even feel the energy or hear a heart beat in my heart – it had literally felt like a black hole of numbness which I have been working so hard to get my spirit/soul to merge into. It has been like the hardest mission I have ever undertook for my heart and soul had been buried underneath so much black magic, soul parts, my blood and DNA being cloned and spread through out the creation/constellations and parallel realities while usurping and harvesting my energy. Going through this process with Ryan and Reza helped me innerstand these things even deeper by encouraging me to unlock & remember through FEELING in in my own being! I have already lived through quite severe transhumanism with bioweapons such as Lyme and Morgellons where my soul was barely navigating this vessel that I really needed to go through such rapid processes like this work through the Phoenix Initiation to be able to actually feel halfway normal as I do now. This year I have finally been fully breaking into my heart more and more… I literally would not even function or be alive right now if it weren’t for such synchronistic and miraculous next level gifts from my dearest soul family that I have met in real life blessing me with God’s forever dependable yet shocking waves of divine intervention. The work with the Phoenix Tribe is a huge manifestation of that. The constant miracles of this healing journey is what has helped me to surrender to the safety in how intrinsically interconnected and interdependent all really is."
~ Iya Pacheco, Initiate of the Krystic Path
"My life has completely expanded on every single level. Returning home to my multi-dimensional self has upleveled all aspects of my living breathing human experience. Trusting my intuition to dive in deep with Ryan and Reza has allowed me to serve not only my own self, but my planetary community, genetic and soul family, my beloved partner, and the children at the sovereign school for Starseeds. Their wisdom and true empathy for our family has unlocked a level of safety within me for feeling free to express all that is within my heart... surrendering in trust that I am here to raise the frequency on our beloved home means everything. After feeling lost and alone for years wandering through the dark unknown, this community has been an ecstatic light of love on this sacred path of integration and remembrance. My creativity has erupted in a fireworks display of light that has showered over my life and illuminated the sovereign power of all around and within me. Words do not suffice how much I love them, honour them, and know at the deepest recesses of my being that if you feel called to explore your cosmic mission and return home to your true nature these are the beautiful souls that will guide you."
~ Eddy Martin Graham, Initiate of the Krystic Path
"Ryan and Reza's ability to hold such a pristine, unconditionally loving space, and bring through incredibly deep, yet expansive clearings and activations, is a testament to the depth and purity of their devotion, perseverance and courage, virtues that have guided them through the many challenges and initiations along their path and empowered them to stand as these Diamond Pillars. It is quite rare to see those in a position of authority uphold such a high level of integrity, authenticity, and transparency, and the way in which Ryan and Reza embody and exemplify the template of organic Leadership is truly admirable; a rightful Leader does not garner followers, but rather begets more Leaders, and that is exactly what Beloved Ryan and Reza do. They do not simply give you the answers, but rather bestow you the keys to unlock them within yourself, and, in so doing, support and empower each individual to walk their own path of Sovereignty, Remembrance and Gnosis. However, they, too, are deeply immersed in the alchemical fires of transformation and transfiguration alongside each of our family, so when the inevitable processes of purging and releasing emerge to be witnessed, they are there to lovingly hold space and remind you of your power and Divinity. It is so refreshing and inspiring to behold Leaders that do not feel the need to adopt any pretense of omniscience or hierarchy to justify their position, for they know that their Authority comes not from their knowledge or influence, but from their Embodiment of the I AM.
Kryst Raia Ryan -- thank you for your vulnerability. Your authenticity. Your integrity. Your strength. Your courage. Your diligence. Your wisdom. Your passion. Your compassion. Your curiosity. Your support. Your devotion. Your service. Your Love. Thank you for All that you are. What a gift it is to stand Heart to Heart, Wing to Wing, with two guides that genuinely embody and emanate the Love, Joy, Peace, and Unity that reside at the core of all Krystic teachings, at the core of All. I am so honored and grateful to be here, participating in this grand reclamation and emancipation alongside our family, in Service to All of Creation, in Service to the Sacred Law of Unified One. While my mind may not yet fully grasp all the subtle nuances and epic grandiosity of our work, my Heart surely does. And it sings with Eternal Joy and Gratitude. From the furthest depths and most expansive heights of my Diamond Emerald Krystal Heart, into and through the boundless Infinitude of All that I AM that WE ARE, I thank you, I honor you, and I love you soooooo much."
~ Jared Iversen, Initiate of the Krystic Path